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Digital Agency Terms of Reference Released

PWC Strategic Data Review Released

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What Does MICTA Do?


​To establish MICTA as a fully inclusive representative of the Manx ICT Community


To create a technology and cost proposition to attract self starting and cloud business


To work with government in partnership to further the sector and promote economic growth


To enhance the jurisdictional benefits that we have and remove barriers


To support the development of all age learning capabilities in ICT to close the skills gap


To capture, promote and advance unique Isle of Man selling points


To enhance the networking and clustering capabilities of the ICT community


To create a series of Industry supported Vocational Apprenticeships

How can you participate in shaping the future of the ICT Sector in the Isle of Man?

Join MICTA as a Member Be part of forging your own Digital future and the Digital future of the Island 

Become a Board Member of MICTA  We have 12 places on the MICTA Board with 6 membership election places each year

Bring People in to Close the Skills Gap Take in a Full Time Apprentice or an intern on the Careers Ready or STEP Programmes

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