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At Partitionware, we create innovative solutions for the telecoms industry. In particular, we bridge the gap between telecommunications platforms, technologies and protocols, and Internet-era technologies which today's developers, enterprises and service providers are familiar with. We do this to enable cross-technology, convergent products and services which are scalable and resilient.


The telecommunications world talks in a plethora of tongues. For messaging, GSM-MAP underpins SMS. For call control, INAP & CAMEL. For authentication, RADIUS and DIAMETER. For voice calls, ISUP and increasingly SIP. Converged services require co-ordination between these disparate technologies - and by exposing them using accessible and familiar technologies such as XML allows for rapid innovation and deployment, and easy integration into wider solutions and services.


Often, our lateral approach solves tough problems which would otherwise require significant reengineering, investment or specialist platforms and skills. The evolution of telecommunications has left many diverse technologies in its wake - and as new approaches come along, it is often preferable to build on what is in place rather than to throw away and start again.


We also use our technology to provide a variety of services on 'Platform as a Service' (PaaS) basis. In particular the Partitionware Integrated Platform (PIP) is an end-to-end switching, messaging, billing and OSS/BSS platform which can be used to quickly bring new services to market. Coupled with your choice of operators, carriers and your distribution channels, we can provide an entire end-to-end technical solution on a commercial basis that suits your needs.

Software as a Service

Software Engineering

+44(0)1624 660900

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