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Kurt Roosen

Chief Executive Officer

Link in to Kurt Roosen
Email Kurt Roosen, Chief Executive Officer, MICTA

An Isle of Man resident since 1998, Kurt has over 30 years of commercial experience since graduating with an Honours Degree in Computer Science. This has ranged from initial experience at CAP, through specialist technical consultancy all around the world with blue chip companies on IBM AS/400 products and configuration, to co-inventing, patenteting and building IP-telephony switches with a move to the Island as part of the massive expansion of Abbey National Offshore in the late 1990's. Latterly, Kurt has been responsible for the Group IT Function for a UK headquartered Isle of Man based Private Bank and is currently heading up IT Strategy for Cayman National Bank in the Isle of Man


Kurt is currently a Fellow of the BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT and was previously Chairman of the National BCS Council and a Trustee. He also served five years on the Board of the Isle of Man Post Office. 


He is currently a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists (a City of London Livery Company) and a member of the Isle of Man Chamber of Commerce IT Committee and Skills Committee, The IoM Government Diversity Working Group, The IoM Government Anti Money Laundering Working Group and The Creative Industries Working Group. Kurt also is a Director of the Family Library Charity and on the IT Committee for Isle of Man Hospice

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